
Let's Be ClearImprove Naloxone Access

Help Improve Naloxone Access

Naloxone is a vital, life-saving tool in the fight against overdose deaths. Naloxone can be administered by anyone, without a prescription, and can now be requested and dispensed by pharmacists in South Dakota. Naloxone is available to anyone who is:

  • At risk of experiencing an opioid-related overdose; and/or
  • A family member, friend or close third party to a person at risk of experiencing an opioid-related overdose

Pharmacists play a critical role in preventing opioid deaths by increasing statewide access to naloxone. Follow these seven steps to become a participating pharmacy.

Step 1: Print the Statewide Standing Order

Treat the standing order as you would any other prescription. Pharmacists should follow all usual steps as they would any other prescription, such as record keeping, documentation, billing, and labeling requirements. The differences are:

  • - Barnes (including NPI#) is listed as the prescriber for the medication
  • - The Eligibility Assessment Form must be completed with the eligible individual before dispensing naloxone
  • - You must provide printed educational material when counseling the patient (learn more in Step 5)

Participating pharmacies must keep a printed copy of the statewide standing order on premises.

Step 2: Become a Participating Pharmacy

If your facility plans to dispense naloxone under the standing order,  join the statewide participating pharmacy list by completing the participation form on the bottom of this page. 

This information will be used to generate a public list of pharmacies, making it easier for those seeking naloxone to obtain it. It will also allow us to contact your pharmacy should there be changes to the standing order.

Step 3: Complete One Hour of Training

Pharmacies choosing to dispense naloxone under the statewide standing order must complete at least one hour of training related to naloxone dispensing and administration. Suitable trainings include, but are not limited to:

Any program that provides the pharmacist with at least one hour of naloxone education is sufficient.

Step 4: Fill Out the Eligibility Assessment Form

Pharmacies must complete an Eligibility Assessment Form for every individual receiving naloxone.

Assessment forms must be:

  • - Filled out with the eligible individual, before dispensing naloxone
  • - Maintained with pharmacy records for at least two years
  • - Available for inspection and copying by the South Dakota Board of Pharmacy
Step 5: Provide Patient Education

Patients who receive naloxone under the standing order must receive verbal and written education about:

  • - Signs of an overdose
  • - Overdose response steps
  • - How to use naloxone

The SD Department of Social Services has developed naloxone Brochures for pharmacy use. These brochures can be requested and shipped to your facility at no cost.


Step 6: Submit Quarterly Reports

Pharmacies play a huge role in helping us distribute and monitor the number of naloxone kits dispensed. Please fill out a quick quarterly report so we can track the number of kits distributed in South Dakota.

Reporting Periods:

January 1 – March 31
Due April 30

April 1 – June 30
Due July 31

July 1 – September 30
Due October 31

October 1 – December 31
Due January 31

Step 7: Submit Naloxone Reimbursement

Naloxone reimbursement is available for individuals without:

  • - Insurance (including Medicaid) or a 3rd party payor source; or
  • - The ability to pay due to financial circumstances

Pharmacies seeking direct deposit of reimbursement must submit a substitute W-9.

For pharmacy enrollment for reimbursement or invoices, please email  DSSBHINDMED@state.sd.us

For standing order and eligibility criteria, email letsbeclear@state.sd.us.

 Substitute W-9 Form

Review Guidelines

South Dakota Substance Use Data

Find key data and trends on opioid use, overdose deaths and statewide intervention metrics.

Become a Participating Pharmacy

To dispense naloxone products, pharmacies using the statewide standing order must provide the information below. 

This information will be added to a public list of pharmacies, making it easier for individuals to find a naloxone pharmacy near them. We’ll also use this information to provide any future updates or changes to the standing order.

Even if your pharmacy is dispensing naloxone under a separate standing order, you’re encouraged to provide the requested information. Every individual in South Dakota should know where they can obtain naloxone—whether through the statewide standing order or another standing order that would apply to chain locations (such as Hyvee or Walgreens).

By submitting this information, you attest that all registered pharmacists at this location have:

  • Received one hour of training on naloxone
  • Read and understand both the naloxone standing order and the naloxone patient education materials

South Dakota Pharmacy Programs

Learn more from the SD Board of Pharmacy, including programs for donated medications, prescription drug monitoring and other pharmacy guidelines.

Any questions we can clear up? Contact us.